MCHE-8380 Continuum Mechanics

Continuum mechanics is a branch of the physical science concerned with the deformations and motions of continuous material media under the influence of external effects. This course will present a concise account of various classic theories of solid and fluids. The two strong foundations of theory of continuous media— the basic laws of motion and constitutive theory—will be rigorously presented and discussed.

ENGR-6830 Computational Nanomechanics

Computational nanomechanics is emerging as a fundamental engineering analysis tool for the design of nanodevices and for the modeling of phenomena at the nanoscale.  This course will provide the basic knowledge of computational nanomechanics, such as force field, interatomic potentials, and statistical quantities. Students are encouraged to learn and utilize the community open source code LAMMPS to solve the nanomechanics problems and investigate fundamental questions in nanoscience.

MCHE-3310 Engineering Materials

Course provides introduction to atomic and grain structure of materials.  Course discusses effects of mechanical and heat treatments on structure and properties.  Fatigue and creep of materials, fracture toughness, mechanical and non-destructive evaluation, and effects of environment are addressed. Covers design considerations, and characteristics of metals, ceramics, polymers and composites.

ENGR-2120 Engineering Statics

To understand how to draw free-body diagrams; to determine resultants of 2D and 3D force systems; to formulate and solve equations of equilibrium for structures in 2D and 3D; to determine internal forces in 2D structures and the centroid and moments of inertia of simple and composite shapes in 2D.
